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Monday, October 4, 2021

Still Holding

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. Nahum 1:7

My beginning was a hard and sad one.  It began by my running away from home.  When I turned 4, I accepted Jesus as my Savior, and it’s been an amazing 67-year run ever since. Yes, I’m 71 at this writing. And as you can see, my sense of humor has not dimmed.

Growing up I saw many of my peers’ lives pulled out of peril, and heard many amazing testimonies, and was witness to the dynamic and lifechanging power of Jesus Christ. 

Being reborn in Christ at a tender age (it’s so simple a child can get it), and raised in a home of reborn parents, after hearing all these incredible stories of God’s saving grace out of such vile circumstances, I became somewhat apprehensive when asked to tell of my conversion. I would look down and shift my feet.  My testimony was boring!

One Sunday morning my pastor, who had an edge-of-the-seat conversion experience himself, broached this subject.  He said, “Those of you raised in Christian homes might feel you only have a bland or boring testimony, but in reality, yours is far stronger than most.  It speaks of God’s holding and keeping power over you all these years, and that He still holds you!”  Wow.  What an “Aha” moment for me. My testimony wasn’t boring, it was unbelievably powerful!

David wrote, “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread,” (Psalms 37:25) [Emphasis added]. In my 67 years of faith in Christ I find that adverb “Yet” still holding true, even to Him embracing me after running away from home. OK, to get the story straight, I didn’t really run away from home-I think you picked up on that. I was led to Christ by my godly Mother, but I was actually 4-years-old.

 I’ve had my share of troubles throughout the years. Christians aren't exempt, but Christ is faithful.  He never lost me, and He will never lose you, either (John 6:39-40).


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