Jesus answered and
said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give
Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living
water.” John 4:10
In Jesus’ time Jews and Samaritans in Israel didn't get
along. They didn't socialize. The rift went back hundreds of years to the
return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity. Among other things Jews
considered Samaritans to be heretics. In
fact some pious Jews going to northern Israel would even go around Samaria so
they wouldn't be defiled by interaction with ‘sinners.’ But curiously, Jesus on His way to Galilee took
the direct route through Samaritan country.
At the Roman 6th hour, approximately 6:00 p.m. (John wrote
his gospel in hourly Roman time), He sent His disciples to buy food and sat
down at Jacob’s well to rest. A
Samaritan woman came to draw water. Here
was a recipe for fireworks; A Jewish male and an ‘unclean’ Samaritan woman. A
Rabbinic law of A.D. 66 stated a Samaritan woman was considered as continually
menstruating and thus unclean. Therefore
a Jew who drank from a Samaritan woman’s vessel would become ceremonially
unclean.* No self-respecting Jew would find himself in this state of affairs.
This woman was less than ‘faultless,’ religiously
speaking. She had been married five
times and the man she was currently living with was not her husband. At a point in their conversation Jesus told
her to call her husband. The woman said
“I don’t have a husband.” Notice the
response from the Lord, “You have well said ‘I have no husband’; for you have
had five husbands and the one who you now have is not your husband; this
you have truly said.” Notice he did not say “And you ought to be
ashamed of yourself.” Interestingly instead
of countering with suggestions of behavior modification, marriage or church
counseling, books on self-help, prayer or study groups, He pointed her to her
need for God and His spiritual health and nourishment (Living Water). After talking further the woman left her
water pot and headed back to town. She
told all who would listen to her about a man “who told me all I ever did”
adding, “Could this be the Messiah?” Many
Samaritans believed her and believed in Him.
They asked Him to stay with them and He remained another two days and
many more believed in Him after hearing His words (4:42).
Jesus knew this poor woman had been with the wrong kind of
company, probably verbally and physically abused, gossiped about, more than
likely despised by the people who knew her, perhaps by those in her very own
family, yet He begins His ministry to her with a conversation; “Give Me a
drink.” He brought with Him a well of
grace that would quench eternal thirst.
He did not let her slip away without responsibility for dealing with her
sin yet dealt with it in such a gracious and honestly tender way bringing
repentance and making her the first missionary to the Samaritan people. “If you
knew the gift of God” puts in plain words what it is. Those who drink from muddied
waters will never be satisfied but those who drink from God’s well will never
thirst again. They will be well watered
*The Bible Knowledge
Commentary, Walvoord & Zuck, Victor Books, Wheaton, p 285