in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Psalm
51:10 English Standard Version Bible
Chickens and a Piece of stale Bread
neighbor across the road owns three chickens that come over to my
front yard to eat the seeds that fall out of my bird feeders. Now we
really know why the chickens crossed the road. I've found they will
eat pieces of bread too. One day my wife put a piece of bread on the
kitchen counter but didn't tell me it was for the chickens. After a
couple of days I discovered the bread was for my neighbor's poultry
but it had grown stale and hard and felt like a shingle.
wrote this Psalm 3,000 years ago. As dealing with the human
condition David's prayer is as relevant and fresh now as it was then.
The human heart can at times become as stale and as hard as that
piece of bread.
of us know we can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ but
did you know you can have a personal relationship with God the Father
too? It's entirely possible. While we must not forget God is just
concerning sin He is also full of loving-kindness to those who love
and put their trust in Him. God took on human flesh in the form of
Jesus Christ and lived among men (John 1:14). Jesus said if you have
seen Him you've seen the Father (John 14:9).
essential knowledge of God is not a means to gratify ourselves but it
is wealth of the Christian life. We can know God the Father in an
intimate relationship but He rejoices in hearts that are pliable,
tender and yes, you might say fresh. Seek Him and He will find you
and if you are these things you'll come to know Him in a brand new
relationship. You'll be the coolest thing since sliced bread.