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Monday, October 11, 2021

Permanent Peace

 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

I recall hearing Pastor Chuck Smith recount a time he was asked to speak to a group of elite folks about Christianity.  He said it didn’t take him long to figure out they’d asked him there, not to hear what he had to say about the Christian faith, but to skewer him on their sticks of reason and Intellect.

As he listened to voices of argumentation and dissent among them over what various speakers had to say, somebody said, “Let’s hear what the preacher has to say!”  Immediately a cry went up from some that they didn’t want to hear about religion, and not allow him to speak.  As an argument ensued, he thought, “What have I gotten myself into?  Lord Jesus, please help me.”

The group finally gave their OK to let him speak.  As he walked to the lectern he was at a loss as to what to do, but continued to call upon Lord for help.  As he turned to face the hostile crowd, he paused.  Then said, “I have found the answer to perfect peace.”  There was a stunned silence, followed by rapt attention, as they waited to hear how he had come to a place of perfect peace.*  Everybody is looking for lasting inner peace.

I am aware that even many Christians are searching for it and are looking everywhere, except in the place that will lead them to it; the Word of God. For myself, where my search began was in 1st Samuel 15:22; to be obedient and listen is better than any sacrifice I could ever make.  That was when the light came on for me.

“God made man in His image.  And man, being a gentleman, returned the favor,” goes the quote by Rousseau. I wasn’t trying to mold myself into His Character, but to mold God’s Infinite and unsearchable character into mine.  I realized throughout my life I had professed Christ as my Savior, but mostly had chosen to walk my own path.  I wanted to return to the simplicity of God’s plan for my life through obedience to Him, not return the favor.  I did a study of God’s character attributes and it was my first step to renewal and peace.

To know peace, you’ve got to make peace. Perhaps there’s something the Holy Spirit has been reminding you that it’s not what you ought to be doing?  To pay attention and do the commandments of Christ is better than sacrificing God’s image on an altar made by human hands.  Seek first His kingdom and righteousness, and He will add everything else (Matthew 6:33).

I have found perfect peace, and it was when I began listening to what I’d been hearing, and set my mind to obey it. It was a peace that was beyond understanding. Peace that’s permanent. It’s a Peace that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.


*Pastor Chuck related a few people approached him after he finished speaking, and asked to know more.  The following week several of them gave their hearts to Christ.

An excellent resource in learning who God really is, is the series Behold Your God with John Snyder.  It set my life in a new and better direction.  You can find it on YouTube.  I highly recommend it. Grace and peace to you, beloved.

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