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Monday, February 27, 2012

This is Truth

Jesus answered, “You are right in saying I am a king.  In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify of the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”  John 18:37 (New International Version)

Imagine the scene; a young rabbi in Israel is detained by local authorities and subjected to an illegal trial.  Roman law in Israel prohibits the Jews from executing anyone without Roman permission so the Jewish leaders push this young man onto the provincial governor, Pontius Pilate, hoping he will send him to the cross.

But Pilate is disturbed by the whole scenario.  As he interrogates Rabbi Jesus he hears Him speaking boldly of what is true.  The Procurator’s response is skepticism.  We can imagine the look of resignation as he sighs and asks Jesus “What is truth?”  He was at the crossroads of a historic decision, one that would shake the world for years to come.  He decides to wash his hands of the situation and send the rabbi to the cross.  Pilate would be able to go about his business and the Roman Peace would be secure within his province.  Perhaps he even went to his grave without having realized the Glory and Truth that had stood before him in that hour.

In America we hear so much of Christ’s truth that in retrospect it can seem humdrum.  But when we stop to consider the truth of what is in Jesus and who He is, a light of understanding begins to dawn.  A stirring of heart and mind begins to seek Him with abandon.  We see what Truth really is and that this same Truth who once stood humbled before a Roman ruler is at this moment exalted above all things (Philippians 2:9).  Yes, everyone on the side of truth will listen to Jesus. In doing so all who do can be empowered this day to live an abundant life in that truth.

Lord, help me be not only a beholder or hearer of Your words but strengthen me to be a doer of Your truth.  Amen.
