great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the
LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD! Psalm 117:2
Is Still Working
shared the Gospel with several people in my life who told me they
were completely convinced they could never receive forgiveness of
their sins from God. Whether or not they were just saying that to put
me off I can't say, but to verbalize such a thing revealed their
ignorance of the power, grace, and redemptive love of God.
Kings 12 and 2nd
Chronicles 10 we read that the nation of Israel split into two
nations over a disagreement with the new king. Ten tribes of Israel
created a northern kingdom. All of its 19 kings did evil in the
sight of the Lord.
here's the incredible part; God continued to work His grace through
the prophets He sent to Israel who boldly confronted the evil kings (and queen) telling them to put away their idols and again follow the
commandments of the LORD. They never did, but despite their rebellion and the rebellion of the people God continued to reach out to them for many years.
will never give up on us no matter what kind of sin we've committed.
To say God cannot forgive sin through Christ is to say Christ, as
God (John 10:30, 33, Hebrews 1:8) is too weak or helpless to do so which totally goes against
Scripture. One of the marvelous attributes of God is He is Omnipotent
(all powerful). He can do anything and He never changes. He will work
in our lives as He did in ancient Israel's times, regardless of what
we've done.
good news is if you have never believed on Christ for the forgiveness
of your sins walking a church aisle or even speaking a prayer is OK. But really all you need to do is believe that Jesus Christ is God's perfect
sacrifice for sin (Luke 23:42-43, Acts 16:31) and then do what He commands. He said "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15).
that is a sureness in a world of uncertainty. The depth of His continuing love and grace when we fail Him never changes and that love and grace always remains truly amazing.