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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Russian to Judgment?

“And it will come to pass at the same time, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,” says the LORD God, “that My fury will show in my face.”  Ezekiel 38:18

If one is following current world news, they are aware of the threat the nation of Russia is posing to world stability in the current crisis with Ukraine. There’s no guarantee with no one to oppose it, Russia will stop with Ukraine but be emboldened in its incursions against other nations. What is going to happen to the nation of Israel, and what is God going to do about it?

Approximately ¼ of biblical Scripture deals with God’s prophetic timeline. The Israeli prophet, Ezekiel, wrote some 2600 years ago of a people and time that would involve Israel in the last days before His Messiah’s kingdom is established. 

God foretells through Ezekiel that when Israel is a restored nation and Israelis are dwelling safely in the land, a ruler “from your place out of the far north,” (38:15) will attack with a coalition of nations. “Far north” can mean Russia but can include Turkey. They are both far north of Israel.

The list of nations aligned in this antisemitic coalition include Russia, as the coalition leader (‘Gog,’ ‘Rosh’), Magog (Russia, Turkey), Turkey (‘Gomer’ & ‘Togarmah’), Persia (modern day Iran), Cush (northern Sudan), Put (modern Libya), and Meshech (Central Asia Republics).

This invasion will be orchestrated by powerful world leaders who will be led by the region's superpower, which will be Russia. The pretense for the invasion will more than likely be justified to solidify an Arab/Israeli middle eastern peace. However, it will be based on an evil thought to plunder the most prosperous nation in the Middle East (38:10).

America will be too weak, morally, to intervene to much effect, and former enemies of the state of Israel, now on diplomatic terms, will only lodge mediocre protests, but offer Israel no assistance. The coalition armies will advance into Israel with storm-like ferocity, like a cloud covering the earth (Ezekiel 38:9). The Israelis will be caught off guard and completely at the mercy of millions of military belligerents and their weapons.

At that time God will stand for His chosen people. His anger will flare out against this coalition and He will intervene on their behalf. He will cause a great earthquake (38:19), so severe it will topple mountains, cliffs and walls. In their panic the opposing armies will become disoriented and begin attacking and killing each other (38:21). “I will judge him [the armies] with plague and bloodshed. I will rain down on him, his troops and the many peoples who are with him a torrential downpour, hailstones, fire, and brimstone" (38:22). 

The coalition will be completely stopped. The annihilation will be such that Israel will be burying the dead for seven months (39:12). Israel will realize their military cannot save them, but their God can and will. He says He will be glorified and exalted and sanctify Israel in the sight of many nations (39:27). Remember He does not tell us these things to scare us but to prepare us. We will know when these things happen and why. He is just and judges rightly.

I have been a believer in Christ for over 65 years and have never seen the prophetic word coming to pass with such speed! As believers, we may not live to see ourselves die, but may soon find ourselves instantly transformed by the power and love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (1st Thessalonians 4:15). Whether we will be here to see this invasion or raptured beforehand is debated among many. Please be assured I’m not setting specific times or dates. Those times are only known to the Father (Matthew 24:36). I am speaking only of the signs revealed in His prophetic timeline given by the Jewish prophets and our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.

God is still on the throne and guiding mankind’s choices according to His will. I can only say with the Apostle John, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” Be encouraged.




Monday, February 14, 2022

Said and Done

But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the LORD GOD, That I may declare all Your works (Psalm 73:28)

Many of you are probably following current world events, with the Russian Federation’s continuing vise-like encroachment on Ukraine and the Iranian regime is seen being weeks away from having a nuclear bomb. It seems the earth is teetering on the precipice of World War III and the total destruction of life as we know it. And many who do not understand the inspired biblical writings of the Hebrew prophets, concerning the promises of God, might have a heightened sense of anxiety and dread.

Jesus told His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me," (John 14:1). The context was His continuing care and fulfilling of what He promised.

It’s been said there are 365 verses in the Bible that tell us not to fear, one for every day. I have not found that many, so I’m not sure who started that. However, I am sure not fearing is a solid biblical principle, woven throughout God's Word, pointing us toward greater trust in His intentions and plan. He is in complete control of all events, even to deposing world leaders and raising them up (Daniel 2:21).

Total trust doesn’t mean there won’t be moments of anxiety or heart palpitations at world events. That’s a normal human response, but to be overcome by fear is not what He wants for you. That’s why He has revealed the future to us through Scripture. It places within us the hope and knowledge that God is working His plan of total universal redemption (Revelation 21:1).

The Bible is ¼ prophetic in its writings. God wants us to know what He is doing by His own will, not to scare us, but to prepare us. All I can say is He has a plan and Perfect wisdom and power to see it done.

So, breathe easier. Go ahead and read the last chapter first (Revelation 22) and see how God’s plan ends for those who have trusted in Him. It may seem as though things have descended into the pit of hell to perish forever, but God says otherwise. “Have I not told you and will I not do it?” Let God be true and every man a liar. He does not change (Numbers 23:19, Malachi 3:6). Said and done.

What is happening in the world today is as old as history itself and as new and relevant as this morning’s sunrise. We are living in exciting times. We are living in Biblical times. All is being overseen and controlled according to the will of the Greatest and most Perfect sentient Being in the universe. One whose angels are ever standing above His Throne crying “Holy, Holy, Holy, LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” (Isaiah 6:2-3).  He is working to make all things new. Behold He has told us, and will He not do it?  Yes, He will. Take comfort in that, Beloved. And read that last chapter again for good measure.
