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Monday, October 30, 2023

No Less in God's Hope

“And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD—the LORD of all the earth—set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap” Josh. 3:13 (NIV)

As the children of Israel faced their final step into the promised land, they stood on the banks of a river flowing at its highest level. Years of desert wandering had brought them to what seemed an odd and impassable barrier. The Jordan was at the height of its harvest flood stage. God’s command seemed equally impossible; Possessing the land meant crossing that river.

OK, but how?

The LORD chose a way that would bring them safely across while demonstrating His glorious power and care for His chosen people.

With God the necessary can be done immediately and the impossible in the next second. The priests were instructed to carry the ark of the covenant on their shoulders and step into the river. As soon as their feet would touch the water, God would cause the river to part. The priests were commanded to stand in the middle of the riverbed while all Israel moved across.

The Israelis were warned not to come any closer to the ark than 2000 cubits or approximately 3000 feet (Josh. 3:4). Why? Probably as a reminder of the sacredness of the ark and to protect them from the power of God’s pure and consuming holy presence. One may wonder why the priests were not slain carrying the ark? The priests were of the Levitical tribe, appointed by the LORD through Aaron to minister to the people in His name and the only ones who were allowed to work in the presence of God.

When Israel put their best foot forward in faith, they crossed over into what was their land of possession sworn to them through Abraham’s promised son, Isaac (Gen. 35:12). God would later reaffirm that covenant to Moses at Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:4).

The land belongs to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all their offspring, given on the promise of Jehovah over 4000 years ago! That covenant promise with Israel is still in effect. It will continue, when Jesus Christ shall rule the earth in righteousness from Jerusalem (Ps. 2:6-9, Rev. 2:26-27). God does not lie nor renege on His promises (Ps. 89:34, Heb. 6:18).

In my walk with Christ, I have stood on the banks of a few Jordans and even experienced some panicky Red Sea scenarios. At the outset they all seemed hopeless, that is until the Lord bid me trust Him and put my foot in the waters. Christ was faithful to show me there is no “less” in His hope, only a hope that is filled with His righteous power and care.

Pharaohs’ dash to reclaim his slaves was brought to a standstill as the waters of the Red Sea closed in on his plan. The walls of Jericho were later breached at God’s command because of one remarkable day at the floodwaters of the Jordan (Josh. 6:20, Heb. 11:30). The same God had no problem doing either. He is already aware of your needs as you are contending at your own Jordan. He knows where and how He will take you safely across.

When Israel was terrified by the Egyptians at the Red Sea Moses encouraged the people when he said, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Ex.14:13-14). Being still means being firm and quiet in confidence.

Jesus Christ not only parts the waters but makes the ground we will walk on dry (Josh. 4:22-23). At these times all we need to do is trust the Lord of all the earth and just put our feet in the water. He who spoke the river into existence can also part it. He will always be faithful to take care of the rest. “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”



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