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Monday, August 14, 2023

When God Moves Behind You

Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Exodus 14:19-20 (NIV)

The stories in Scripture are so written as to see the miraculous without the mythological. In Creation God was already there (Gen 1:1), as were the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2) and the Son (Prov. 30:4, Col. 1:16). Yahweh did not struggle against chaotic forces or have to battle other gods to rearrange pre-existent matter into the cosmos. In ultimate power He spoke it into being out of nothing, easily explained and easily understood.

After God broke Israel’s bondage and moved them out of Egypt Pharaoh and his officials realized the economic catastrophe their nation would face by the Israelite slaves’ departure. He ordered his army to mobilize and bring them back (Ex. 14:5-6).

In leading the children of Israel out of Egypt God could have brought them through the Philistine country which was a shorter route but with the very real threat of having to fight the Philistines. He said, “If they face war, they may change their minds and return to Egypt” (Exodus 13:17). 

He led them instead around a desert road to the Red Sea and into seeming disaster. In bringing Israel into a place that is every military commander’s nightmare, God was not guilty of poor strategy. He brought them into what seemed a trap saying, I will gain glory for Myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD (Ex. 14:4).

When the Egyptians arrived, panic ensued in the Israeli encampment. They turned on Moses accusing him of first-degree malfeasance leading them into the desert to die (Ex. 14:11-12), but when God has a plan, no other plan can stand. The angel of the LORD who was leading them (possibly a pre-incarnate Christ theophany) immediately moved to their rear, followed by the pillar of cloud. The angel and the cloud stood between the Egyptians and the Israeli camp, protecting them from Pharaoh’s army.

Throughout the night the pillar of cloud brought darkness to the Egyptians and light to the Israeli side (14:19-20). It may have been the same kind of debilitating darkness the LORD brought on Egypt in the 9th plague-a darkness that could be felt-as Moses recorded in Exodus 10:21-29. In that plague of darkness, no Egyptian could see or move about for three days, yet all the Israelites had light in every place they lived. The power of the Living God stopped Pharaoh’s forces in their tracks.

The LORD ordered Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea to divide the waters and brought a hard wind from the east that blew all night, parting the sea to allow Israel to escape through it on dry ground. When the Israelis had all gotten through the Egyptians rushed into the ocean pathway in pursuit. God caused the great walls of water (Ex. 14:29) to close on them so that every Egyptian in the sea path drowned. Any surviving Egyptians on the shore, perhaps Pharaoh himself, who witnessed it knew the power and glory of Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews.

Where are you today? Worried about any situation you or loved one’s face? God knows and achieves His purposes for the welfare of those who love and serve Him. He sees your Red Sea moment, days, or years, and is handling your burden and already knows what you need before you even ask (Matt. 6:8). For whatever you are facing, if you are trusting the Lord to handle it, you will see Him move behind you to stand between you and the Devourer.

It is hard to see what the Lord is doing when He is behind you, but He is fighting for you. The enemy is thrashing around in darkness while you stand in the Light of Life (Jn 8:12). The anticipation of how He will do it should be delicious. It is icing on the cake. When the Lord moves behind you just taste and see how good He is.



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