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Monday, May 22, 2023

Blown by Every Wind

I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin. Romans 11:1

This week I was able to open a dialogue with a young man who is a believer in Replacement Theology. R.T. is the teaching that because Israel has rejected her messiah, her place in God’s redemptive plan is finished and the Christian Church has replaced them with the church as having God’s ultimate favor and approval. There is no longer a place for Israel.

This man also espouses the belief that there is no rapture of the Church, but it will have to endure the horrors of the coming seven years of the Great Tribulation.

Let me speak first to Israel being replaced. I encourage those with lingering doubts that Israel will remain in God’s plan to read fully Chapter 11 of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Replacement Theology is a doctrine of men, not of Scripture.

Salvation was given to make Israel envious (Romans 11:11). The content of Replacement Theology can be skillfully argued and debated but the best commentary on the Scriptures are the Scriptures themselves. The final fact always returns to the indisputable evidence in favor of the survival of the Jewish nation and its people. Christ does not return to rule from Washington, Paris, London, or Rome. He returns to rule from Jerusalem, which was in Israel the last time I checked. Scripture teaches Israel will survive if the heavenly bodies give light and the sea waves roar (Jeremiah 31:35-36).

Secondly, is the Church going to suffer the wrath which God is going to pour out upon an unbelieving world during the Great Tribulation?

My friend believes it will be so. He gives the illustration that Noah was not taken out of the flood but had to go through it, as Lot did the destruction of Sodom. Point taken. But Lot did not have to go through it. God did remove him and his daughters to a place of safety in Zoar (Genesis 19:20-23), and in bringing Noah and his family through the Great Flood He did so as he and his family were needed to repopulate the earth (Genesis 8:15-17).

The wrath poured out during the Great Tribulation is from God onto a world steeped in unbelief and rejection of the sovereign rule of His Son. As cruel and as horrible as the damage Satan will do through the anti-Christ, God’s judgment will be far more effective in its intensity to get the attention of the earth’s population to repent, and millions will (Revelation 7:9, & 14). But it will also be the time God will bring Israel to repentance and salvation in her Messiah.

The rapture of the church has been attacked by critics as the brainchild of Anglican priest John Nelson Darby. They contrive it as an errant doctrine new within the last 200 years. They say Darby invented the rapture theory after an accident an accident due\ring his recovery from December 1826-January 1827.

However, reading the early church fathers we find in their writings they too believed and looked for the rapture of the church, so it was not a new teaching. Christian speaker and author Chuck Missler often ridiculed those who taught the Church would not be raptured but be shoved into the blowtorch of the Tribulation. To paraphrase he said, “I cannot imagine Jesus saying to His Bride, ‘I will be coming for you, but first I’m going to put you in a place where you’ll get knocked around and beat up, then I’ll come get you and we’ll get married.’”

Jesus warned us to be always on the watch that we may be able to stand before the Son of Man in that day (Luke 21:36). He was not just speaking of the first century church or the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, for many of the things He mentioned have yet to happen on the earth (Matthew Ch. 24, Luke Ch. 21). Paul writes that God elected the Jews and loved them on account of the patriarchs and God’s call is irrevocable (Romans 11:28). Israel will never be replaced.

The time for the Devil is short and he knows it. He is amping up people, governments, and enemies in the spiritual realm to defy God and destroy the human race. That is the bad news. The good news is discovered in comparing Scripture with Scripture and rightly dividing the word of truth finding God has not surrendered His throne to anyone. His righteous holy plan of redemption will be done in accordance with His will, and Satan and his angels will burn (Matthew 24:41).

The man I am communicating with to my knowledge still believes in the deity of Christ and that He is the only Way, Truth, and Life. What this brother has are convictions and a difference of opinion on how things will happen. He remains a brother-in-Christ. We agree on the doctrine of salvation and differ on how God will accomplish the end times but agree it will get done.

 I am very sure I hold some views that can be considered somewhat skewed, and the Lord will rightly reveal eternity to us as it is and will be. We can differ on how God does it while holding to the unalterable doctrine of salvation only through the finished work Jesus Christ.

While there is much going on in the world that can be confusing and misleading, we can be aware and cautious not to be blown about with every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14).

Scriptures in both the Old and New testaments hold the knowledge and wisdom to discern the truth. Let us follow the example of the Bereans of Acts 17:11. They were noble-minded believers for they examined the Scriptures every day to see if what they were being told was true. They proved by the Scriptures the Gospel first given to the Apostle Paul by Christ Himself (Galatians 1:12). That is wisdom and gives comfort and peace. Let us do so that we may mature and grow in its benefits.




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