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Monday, September 19, 2022

For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. Psalm 33:4

 When God Answered Anyway

Virginia had been attending a weekly Bible study I taught at a company I worked at in the 1980s. The weekly study was at the request of our company’s Christian chief executive officer. One day Virginia and her friend, Dee, dropped by my department to ask if I would pray for her and a surgery Virginia was having the next day on her jaw to help correct a degenerative bone disease issue. It would be her second surgery.

Even though I was very busy, we went to a private room, and I prayed a quick, and mostly faithless prayer for her. I can’t even recall the words I prayed. It was quick and easy, and I went back to work and forgot about it.

The next day Dee came to my department and asked excitedly, “Has Virginia talked to you yet?” She went on to say, “The surgeon opened her jaw this morning and was stunned to find her jaw and surrounding tissue were all healthy, pink, and normal. Even the scar tissue from her first surgery was gone! The doctor kind of panicked and thought he’d operated on the wrong woman. He had his nurse pull her chart and verify this was the same Virginia he’d operated on before.

The nurse verified it to his amazement. He had no explanation, but Virginia testified to the miracle of God’s power that was shown through prayer. All he could say was, “There’s nothing else I can do for you, Virginia. There’s nothing wrong with your jaw. I’m going to stitch you up and send you home. I don’t understand it.”

Dee related this testimony of God’s graciousness much to my shame and embarrassment. I confessed to her how quickly I had prayed with them and that there had been absolutely no faith to my prayer. I had been more concerned about getting back to work. I asked for her forgiveness and when I saw Virginia, I asked hers too.

In seeking God’s forgiveness, He taught me a valuable lesson in His sovereignty, and grace and that He can work in any situation to show forth His ultimate glory. It is not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

This is just one episode in my Christian experience that has been a continual comfort to me in times when my prayers feel dry and ineffectual or even without faith. I am moved as I recall the mercies of the Lord and how He glorified Himself through a faithless prayer I once offered a little too quickly and easily. So rightly did the psalmist say, Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You have set Your glory in the heavens.


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