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Monday, August 8, 2022

Long Spirited

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 1st Corinthians 13:4

The ancient Koine (common) Greek language was the perfect linguistic vehicle to communicate the Gospel. It had many words that more fully expressed the meaning of the message. It can be different in our English language. For instance, in English we can have one word to cover many emotions. One such word is love. We can love our spouse and our children, but it is also possible to say we love our car or even our favorite ice cream. There are four words in the Greek for love. Eros (er-ros)-romantic, philia (fi-lee-ah)-brotherly, agape (ah-gahp-eh)-selfless, acting in another’s best interest, and storge (store-gay), love of family.

Some will see suffering long as being a martyr, but the meaning in the Greek conveys something very different and beautiful. The words suffering long are translated long-Spirited. It goes far beyond tolerance. To tolerate simply means to have the capacity to endure pain and hardship, riding out or putting up with something or someone. The Spirit calls us to go long-to agape-in these matters.

The problem with toleration is there’s no room for forgiveness. Toleration offers only anger and bitterness as its means of action. It’s an OK, I’ll be nice but I don’t have to like it attitude, or an apology of I forgive you without spirit-led philia and agape that defines a tender and changed heart of love. With the love of Christ helping us and working through us the Spirit grows long with its own sweet fruit, love being the first one mentioned in Galatians 5:22.

Having a long-spirited heart is giving up a heart carved in stone, replacing it with a heart of flesh. It’s the same heart that brought our Lord Jesus to say, “Father forgive them for they do not know what they do,” as He prayed for the ones who had just nailed Him to a cross (Luke 23:34).

Having someone grind our gears doesn’t mean we need to grind our teeth. Love goes beyond that. It is only possible through the Holy Spirit’s strength as we humble ourselves to accept His helping hand.

One may say. “Yeah, but Ken you don’t know how much damage they did to me. It’s something that I just can’t forgive at this time.” I understand. I’ve been there and have the scars to prove it. And you are certainly right-you can’t do it on your own. But before you throw your hands up in frustration read the Lord’s words on it in Matthew 18:21-22 and Luke 17:4. It can only truly happen by the power of Christ, and whose wounded heart spoke those words from the cross? It was Emmanuel (God With Us).

He wants us to ask for His help. When we ask for it, we surrender and taste the sweetness of the Fruit of the Spirit called love. It never withers-it always grows long. It is long-Spirited.

Jesus, I need relief from this pain of hurt and resentment and I can’t do it on my own. I surrender it to You, realizing it can’t be done by might or power, but only by Your Spirit. I ask You to help me do it by Your power and grace and to say with all truth and understanding, “Father, forgive them for they didn’t know what they were doing.” Amen


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