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Monday, May 9, 2022

It Can't Be Too Soon

looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13

If you are aware, in any way, you are aware that things in life are in a sad state of affairs. If you’re one to bury your head in the sand of non-news, then you surely see and feel it in your personal relationships, and family life. Let’s face it, life on earth can feel, at times, pretty miserable and perhaps somewhat hopeless.

But while circumstances may seem that way, our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, tells us hope remains. It is not a blasted hope, as one wag put it. It is a blessed hope in the logos (Word) of God, Christ our Lord (John 1:1, 1:14).

Not only does He tell us our redemption will be fully finished when we finally stand in His presence, but it is also the word (promise) of the Word that He consistently gives us (Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 46:11, Revelation 21:5). It is the promises of His physical return and redemption of all things that are His bond. He tells us these things before they come to pass, that when they do, we may believe (John 14:29), for they are faithful and true.

Titus, a Gentile convert to the Christian faith, and traveling companion of the Apostle Paul, wrote of this 2000 years ago. Christians of that age sincerely believed the promise of the return of the risen Christ was imminently near, and they were expectantly looking for it. But it wasn’t the Father’s time yet (Acts 1:7). His patient love and grace have been extended to all who would believe for the past 2000 years. Amazing Grace!

While we do not set dates of the return of Christ, He has told us of the signs of the age which would be going on that would alert us to His return. They will tell us to look up (pay attention) for redemption of heaven and the Earth  is close at hand (Luke 21:28).

There have never been so many obvious signs, the most important of them began on May 14, 1948, when Israel, for the second time in her history, became a nation restored to its ancestral land after a forced displacement of 1,878 years. No other nation in the history of Earth can make that kind of claim!

Jesus showed Himself to be the appointed Mashiach (Messiah) of the Jewish people by fulfilling all 300 messianic prophecies in the Tanach in every aspect of His life. There are yet 1000 prophecies related to Messiah establishing His kingdom yet to be fulfilled. If Jesus of Nazareth faithfully fulfilled the first 300, He can faithfully fulfill the remaining 1000.

“Behold, I come quickly [or suddenly],” are His closing words to John the Apostle (Rev 22:12). We do not know the exact day or hour, but we can know the season, or approximate time (Matthew Chapters 24-25, Luke 21:6-36). It is our Blessed hope in the trueness of His physical resurrection, life, power and return. Keep your eyes on heaven and in the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

His first mission was to redeem the heart from sin, through the shedding of His blood on the cross. In doing so He became the perfect and final Lamb that takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29, Hebrews 9:11-15).

His second advent will be to redeem the times and rule and reign on the eternal throne promised to His ancestor David. A promise kept is a promise performed and He has proved Himself as the Eternal Promise Keeper. Look forward with confidence to the very soon appearing of the Lord, Jesus Christ, if you know Him. 

If it frightens you, you have yet to know Him, but you can. Trust in His invitation to be your Peace and forgiveness of all your sins. If you’re not sure how you can, you can do it simply by asking Him. While all you need is to believe (Acts 16:30-31), praying, “Jesus, I want to trust you to forgive my sins and ask that you would come into my life and be my Lord,” will be heard and honored by Him. It will give you a starting point in your journey of faith.

Look forward to the return of our great God and Savior! It can’t be too soon for me, and hopefully for you, too.


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