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Monday, January 24, 2022

A Thorny Issue

Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. (Mark 4:18-19)

Ever been in a church service where an altar call is made at the end and there are many hands raised to admit they are asking Christ into their lives? In the following weeks, there may be only a small percentage who are continuing in the faith. It’s easy to seek easy solutions, but the difficulty is in the difficulty of God’s expectations. Jesus said the way to God is narrow and few there be who find it (Matthew 7:14).  Many see it. Many acknowledge it. But few truly allow it to transform their lives.

There is disagreement among some in Christian leadership of the effectiveness of a convert praying a “sinners’ prayer,” (Romans 10:9-10) or just simply believing in Christ (Acts 16:31). The thinking is saying a prayer, while it gives a person a base-starting point-it, can be an action that can give them the idea, “OK, I squared myself with God, now I can live my life on my own terms.” The individual ignores what Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15). Both approaches of confession and belief can lead a person into a right relationship with Christ but then obedience to God’s commandments come into the experience. Many in accepting Christ do so for various reasons that can come down to looking for a “quick fix” with no more problems.

God’s word isn’t some kind of magic appeal to be used like a religious painkiller, nor is He some kind of giant genie-in-the-sky who will give us whatever we want whenever we want it. If you’re looking for that then you’re knocking on disappointment’s door. It becomes the path of least resistance, allowing other things and desires to choke out a true spiritual reformation of the heart. The analogy of thorns (GR akantha) not only demonstrates how these things can choke our relationship with Christ but speaks of the sharp points and pains that come with them.

Scripture has never taught following God is some kind of cakewalk. In fact, it teaches just the opposite. Following Jesus Christ is not a life for the fainthearted. While it comes freely from the grace and hand of God, if you commit to it, living it will cost you everything you’ve got, thorns and all. But let me add I have found a life dedicated and submitted to Christ, in spite of the thorns, has been a life of the most satisfying abundance of His loving care. Christ lives it in us (John 10:10, Galatians 2:20). The worth of the sacrifice of service goes far and above the discomfort and gloom of nixing His wonderful offer of grace and peace.

Jesus Himself said in this world you’ll have trouble (pressure, affliction, tribulation)-BUT-in saying so added “Take heart. I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD,” (John 16:33, Emphasis Added). God was with Israel 40 years through the wilderness experience, not around it. God even kept their clothes from wearing out, and their feet from swelling (Deuteronomy 8:4).

What are you looking for, religion or relationship? Those two things are oil and water and will never mix. Religion is man trying to reach God by his own rules. Relation is God reaching out to man in human flesh through His only Begotten and Beloved Son (John 3:16, Luke 9:35 kjv). His strength to persevere in that life is given to those who count the cost and are willing to crush the thorns underfoot, trusting Him to lead with strength and purpose. Jesus said if you love Him, you’ll obey His commandments. Obedience to His commandments is the test, and He doesn’t grade on a curve.

I have always been surprised at how submitting my will to His commands offers true freedom, and the satisfaction that follows. If we love Him, we’ll do all He commands. Following His commandments can keep us from becoming choked on the thorns of disobedience.

Thorns choke, jab, and stab the unwary. Obedience to Him profits and brings blessing. “If you love Me, you’ll do as I command.” Obedience is better than anything we can do or offer (1st Samuel 15:22). And that, beloved, is the only point Jesus wants us to be touched with.


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