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Monday, September 13, 2021

Gravely Mistaken

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 2nd Corinthians 5:8

One of the hardest jobs I ever had was working for a large cemetery as a pre-need sales agent. My job was going door-to-door and getting folks signed up to pre-arrange their funerals and gravesites.  People would slam the door in my face when they realized I was talking about their own mortality.  I came to understand we, as a people, are scared to death of death.

The Bible is our guide through this mortal journey as we pass from a body of death and decay into eternity, as we all must.  And what is left except coming face-to-face with the eternal God?  The trite and often used statement “All roads lead to God,” is basically true, but never in the sense it is often hoped.  We can say all roads eventually lead to God, either to live with Him in peace, or in judgment and separation for our sins.  Our own goodness isn’t enough to satisfy Him.  When it comes to the Ultimate Perfect and Holy Person, how good is good enough? Is this where the real terror lies?

If we worry about what it’s like to pass through the veil, we need not slam the door on the Creator we all must meet. Jesus took on a body of flesh to bring us into fellowship with God the Father where we can choose to stand eternally in His presence with joy and peace. To experience this knowledge can help us understand we need not be afraid. In suffering and dying on the cross, He went first, and overpowered even death (Colossians 1:18.) “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?” (1st Corinthians 15:54-55). Death will be its own last victim (Revelation 20:14).

We don’t have to be gravely mistaken about dying, for in Christ, if our bodies die, our conscious souls will live with Him (John 11:25-26).  No doorbells, no paperwork, no fear.


If you fear death, ask the Firstborn from the Dead to give you the peace you want:

Jesus, I am afraid of dying, and I really want Your peace in the matter.  I ask You to forgive me of my sins, come into my heart and be my Lord.  Let me place this burden into Your hands, once and for all, and find rest in You, in knowing to be absent from this body, I can be present with You. You are the Firstborn from Among the Dead. Thank You for hearing this prayer.  Amen

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