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Monday, June 21, 2021

Who Does This Jesus Think He Is?

Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Simon and Judas? Matthew 13:55

Ever notice how generic and comfortable a conversation is when people are only talking about God?  But things can grow tense when Jesus enters the picture.  Friends and family’s eyes dart around looking for the exit, while some disbelieve and mock.  Jesus faced the same kinds of things from friends, neighbors, the religious leaders of Israel, and even His own family.

A general God is a sterile God, and a sterile God is not a threat.  That kind of God of the imagination means folks can live their lives outside of His provisions and safety. But when the Word that became flesh (John 1:14) appears, He asks the question that we all have to answer, “Who do you say that I am?” 

Many can get their dander up over this question with the self-righteous response, “Hey, who does this Jesus think he is, anyway? No one can tell me how I can approach God. I'm no worse than anybody else.” To approach God?  Really?

Christ tells us no unrighteous person can approach God’s holy perfection, except through Him. People say, “That’s exclusive and bigoted.”  It is exclusive, in that He is the only way to a fully established relationship with the Living God. But it’s also totally inclusive in that God is willing that all should embrace His invitation to repentance (2nd Peter 3:9, John 1:12) and He sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, to make it possible.  His free salvation covers anyone that calls on the name of Jesus, believing He died for their sins.

Those who ask who does this Jesus think he is anyway want to believe all roads, especially their road, leads to God. They’re right. Any road taken will ultimately end with God, either in judgment of sin or eternal life in Him.  Exclusive or inclusive?  Yes, to both.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, exclusively (John 14:6).  But inclusively too, in that He invites all to eternal life through His death and resurrection from the dead. Jesus, as very God of very God, is the only One with all authority to do it (Matthew 28:18). This is who Jesus thinks He is.  This is who Jesus says He is.  No argument. No debate. Who do you say He is?


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