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Monday, May 24, 2021

The Speed of Our Sound

And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell. James 3:6

Most of us are familiar with Chuck Yeager, who flew the Bell X-1 rocket plane to Mach 1, breaking the speed of sound barrier in level flight for the first time in human history.  I will also venture to say most are familiar with the old schoolyard chant of “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I understand why kids would say it when under a verbal onslaught. I did myself, but never really bought into it. I knew it wasn't true.  While sticks and stones can break bone, a bone can heal, while words can cut so deeply that wounds can bleed and hurt into adulthood.

James doesn’t pull any punches in his description of the deadly wounds a sharp tongue can cause, burning like the fire of hell. The speed of our sound is enough to set a forest on fire (James 3:5).

There are two ways to reply to harsh words: we can react or respond. Reactions run on reflex and we can find our knee-jerk is connected to our mouthbone, which can lead to trouble.  A response on the other hand mirrors the wisdom of Solomon.  We can allow a soft answer to turn away wrath, not allowing grievous words to stir up rage (Proverbs 15:1).

The Lord Jesus had some pretty ugly words directed at Him.  Peter writes, When they hurled insults at Him, he did not retaliate.  So, what’s the secret?  What, or Who, can keep us from choking the other guy out, verbally or otherwise, when we are stabbed with their tongue? The rest of the verse says…when He suffered, He made no threats.  Instead [emphasis added] He entrusted himself to Him who judges justly (1st Peter 2:23).

Peter calls us living stones. A living stone makes a better building block than a living mass of pulsating nerves. A living stone is identified with Christ, the Cornerstone, (Matthew 21:42, Ephesians 2:20). When they hurled their insults at Him, He had the power and authority, to destroy them (Matthew 26:53, John 18:6). But He responded with Grace and Mercy, holding His tongue.  And when we are hit by the speed of other’s sound, we too can respond that way by the Power of the Holy Spirit, leaving the kneejerk reactions in the hands of the Great Physician.

Jesus, help me to remember to entrust myself to you when harsh words come my way at the speed of sound. Help me to understand that person is more than likely speaking from their own wounded and bleeding heart. Help me to show them mercy and grace.  Strengthen my trust in You, that You will always judge justly. Amen



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