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Monday, May 10, 2021

Here in the Dark

I will give you treasures of darkness, riches in secret places, so that you may know I am the LORD, the God of Israel who summons you by name.  Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)

There have been times in my life that I can only call “Golden Moments.” These times are where Christ has summoned me by name and revealed Himself in the simplest of ways.  I recall one when my firstborn grandson was three. Jaren had quietly moved from the vicinity of the living room while my attention was on my TV program.  Whenever a three-year-old is out of sight and all is quiet, there is cause for concern.

I immediately began searching for him and as I walked down my darkened hallway gently calling, “Jaren, where are you?” I found him standing at the front bedroom window gazing out at the street lights.  His little voice replied to me as he continued his window watch, “I’m here in the dark, Pepaw.”

It was one of those wondrous moments when Jesus chooses to “tap” us on the shoulder and whisper something wonderful.  It was an instance of perception that was both inspiring and sweet.

As we walk through our own times of trial and darkness, how comforting it can be to know He is there with us.  When we find ourselves feeling our way along a dark path, we might ask, “Lord Jesus, where are you?”

He will speak a reply that comes with all power and authority; “I’m here in the dark,” and summon you by name to follow Him.

Jesus, thank You that You will never leave us or forsake us, in life or in death. You are faithful, even to the end of the age. Amen  


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