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Monday, August 24, 2020

Wonder of Wonders

remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, Isaiah 46:9

In today's devotional thoughts let's take time to consider who God really is. Who He is. Not is He? 

God is a Spirit, not made or existing by anyone's will or creation. He declared of Himself, “I AM, that I AM.” The eternally self-existent One who exists of and by Himself.  He who spoke Creation into existence out of nothing!

I want you to scrap any thoughts or views of God you may have carried, great or small, and let your mind wonder about Who He is. Whatever you can conjure up will never come close to the reality of such a Powerful and Perfect Sentient Being.

This ought to thrill us beyond belief. Whatever you think of Him He certainly is, but even if you amp it up billions of times you'll only catch perhaps His glow but never His fire. Thinking of what that Fullness is can confound our fascination and wonderment of His Being. His reality is seen in everything about us. Whatever you need He can supply. Take note that all things may not be good, but He will bring good out of all things.

Whatever we may build in our imagination concerning His Reality, when it comes down to it, it will only be a God of our imagination. He far exceeds all we can think or ask. Amazing Reality. Amazing Truth. A God above all gods made flesh as the impetus of our Redemption through His shed blood (Hebrews 9:12). Who is like God? No one. He far exceeds our imaginings. He says of Himself, I am God and there is none like me.” Wonder of Wonders. That says it all.


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