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Monday, May 11, 2020

The Joy of Being Jewish

He chose our heritage for us, the pride of Jacob whom he loves. Psalms 47:4

As a Gentile I have a special place and love in my heart for the Jewish people. They are the diamond in the rough that will one day be the Jewel in their Messiah's Crown. They have been chosen by God to be his people that he loves with everlasting love and faithfulness (Jeremiah 31:3) .

Some, not yet all, are longing for their Messiah to come on the scene. He is spoken of throughout their Hebrew Bible, the Tenakh. Only One Man fulfills every prophecy recorded in it and that Man is Yeshua of Nazareth, Jesus Christ.

I am surprised that after watching it seems the majority of Jews today believe Jesus was Catholic, or a gentile Christian despot and persecutor, and are quite amazed to find out he was completely Jewish. All of his disciples were Jewish. One of them, Matthew, details Jesus' genealogy from Abraham (Chapter 1:2-16), and his contemporary, the historian Luke, traces Jesus' Jewish ancestry all the way back to Adam (Luke 3:23-38)! As one Jewish man quoted, “I was surprised to find Jesus was more Jewish than I was.”

The Tenakh speaks of him in astonishing detail in over 800 prophecies. Many have been fulfilled concerning him and many are yet to be realized. Many of those prophecies include the restoration of the Jewish people into a holy and righteous nation with their HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, as their Anointed King seated on the rightful throne of his father David.

The seed of Abraham has received a special dispensation of the love and grace that has revealed to them their desired Messiah. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Hebrew men and women are wanting to know this man in his complete Jewishness. Was he a liar? A lunatic? Or was he the Lord HaMashiach fulfilled in Jewish Scripture? It's a question worth pursuing. The answer will amaze and, perhaps, leave you feeling very joyous. Shalom, and abundant blessings to the children of Abraham.


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