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Monday, November 9, 2009

Like a Boomerang Only Better

So shall my word be which goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 (New American Standard Bible)

What do you do as a parent when you want your kid to live in the City of God and they consider it the City of Snoresville? The things of God are a justifiable aim to them but just not something they want to take a shot at just now. The greatest heartache any parent can have is to watch a child make choices that will bring them nasty consequences. For us experience and insight make 20/20 hindsight guaranteed and from that we can pretty much know when they are heading down the track toward the 5:14 from Toledo.

But it isn’t a lost cause. They’re hearing, even if it seems like they aren’t listening. And they’re watching even if it seems like they’re glued to their cell phones. The word of God is so powerful that it is compared to a razor sharp two-edged sword that pierces the division of the soul and spirit, ably judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). That word and example when it is thrown out, like a boomerang, will go out in all its power and begin to come around again.

We can only count on the faithfulness of the Lord to apply His word to the hearts of our children as He judges their receptivity. Sometimes it takes what seems a short time and for others its years of the 2000 yard stare. That sword never loses it edge and it continues to work even when it looks like the Lord is choppin’ and no chips are flyin’. The Lord is faithful in His work and we don’t know the last thoughts our kids think before they close their eyes at night. Perhaps there are thoughts of wonder or even surrender. God’s sword is a work in progress for us all and like a boomerang it faithfully returns and accomplishes everything He desires.


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