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Monday, January 26, 2009

That Ol' Funny Bone

David danced before the Lord with all his might. 2nd Samuel 6:14 (The Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible)

I sometimes struggle with a happy God. And I’m not the only one. I’ve even met some folks in the past who said it was blasphemous to say Jesus even laughed or had a good sense of humor. Being made in God’s image, as Genesis records, doesn’t mean in His splendor and magnificence. Being made in His image simply means we, as humans, have the character qualities that God has. I think if He didn’t have a sense of humor he would have left it out when he created Adam from the dust of the earth.

As I grow older I am more of the belief that humor and joy are a basic part of our God-given character and that God loves for us to laugh and enJOY life. David wasn’t afraid to let a little joy show when the Ark of the Covenant was brought up from the house of the man Obed-edom to Jerusalem. The celebration was done with great excitement using musical instruments and David in his joy and abandonment danced before the ark and the Lord as it was moved on its way. And just like party poopers of today David’s wife, Michal, scolded him for being foolish and undignified by displaying unreserved joy before the people. It is appropriate here to mention that no prophet came forward to rebuke David for his leap into joy.

Ephesians 2:10 tells me I am Christ’s workmanship created by Him for good works which God prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them. Believers in Christ are real works of art. That includes, I firmly believe, an ability to laugh and be happy. Jesus loved to be in happy situations and never turned down a social invitation. It is difficult for me to imagine Him at one of these occasions sitting stone-faced with the disposition of a lemon. He was the Perfect Human who displayed every human characteristic perfectly, so why wouldn’t He have smiled, laughed and enjoyed Himself? Appropriate humor is OK. It was the Holy Spirit who inspired Solomon to write a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance. I want to be more like David dancing. Laughter truly is the best medicine. And why not, wasn’t it the Lord who made the funny bone?


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