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Monday, January 30, 2012

Our Mission to Missions

Brethren, pray for us.  1st Thessalonians 5:25 (New American Standard Bible)

 Children of military parents are constantly having their roots pulled up and moved to wherever the government wants their mom or dad to serve.  The kids have to leave friends, school and hometown to be put in a new place where they will need to adapt to new people and ways of doing things. And there is an even greater hardship if they have to deal with a foreign language and culture if their parents are stationed overseas.

When Christians leave for the mission field there is culture shock they endure in their new “home” wherever that may be.  In a different culture there may be the sense of offense if something breaks and they ask that the situation be remedied immediately as we have come to expect in our own culture.  That can be very frustrating if it’s the middle of winter and your heater breaks and within the local culture there is the feeling the landlord doesn’t need to move quickly. Repairs or replacement could take weeks. There can be additional worry if the missionaries have children.

While financial support is indeed important to missions the greatest thing they need is our constant support through prayer.  Satan’s own mission is to destroy the works of God and he has an arsenal of means to do it. Prayer is a Christian’s power and praying for our missionaries helps them stand firm and finish the task God has given them. Dropping a check in the offering marked ‘missions’ is a good thing and praying daily for our missionaries is even better.  Satan believes he has no boundaries to attack until he comes up against the bulwark of the power of Christ.  And the most effective means to make the best use of that bulwark is prayer. There is no other force on earth that can do the same.  When it comes to our missionaries ‘pray without ceasing’ intensifies that need in a very real way.  When we do He will be faithful and we can praise Him for all His glorious works.  When it comes to our missionaries let us truly pray for them without ceasing.  It’s our greatest mission to missions.


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