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Monday, September 13, 2010

Out of the Fog

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34, 35 (New American Standard Bible)

Do you know the Boy Scouts of America came to be because a man was lost in the fog? The Boy Scouts was originally introduced in England by Lord Robert Baden-Powell in 1907. In 1910 American newspaper publisher William Boyce, while visiting London, became lost in the dense fog and was helped by a young boy. The lad refused a reward for his help and told Boyce that as a Boy Scout helping others was his duty. Boyce was so impressed he contacted Baden-Powell to talk to him about bringing the organization to America.

Helping others out of love will sometimes leave the receiver of that help in shock. I’ve noted with some amusement how people I’ve helped in the past ask “Why did you do that?” And a good many of them believed my motive was done because I wanted something. When I’ve told them it wasn’t me who did it but Christ in me the look on their face must be close to what Boyce had when that young English Scout refused any payment for his help. But I know those folks I’ve helped have never forgotten that someone took the time to help them and perhaps they went looking for the Founder of my program. Hopefully they found Him. I will know one day.

It is no stretch of the imagination to say the present age is overcome by darkness. That makes it difficult enough but add to that darkness the fog of unbelief and the sense of bewilderment and loss that feeds on it. How relieved they will be when we appear out of the fog and offer them a hand. With the Spirit of Christ working through us it won’t be as much a duty as a privilege.


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