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Monday, April 6, 2009

Silent Saturday

To Thee, O Lord, I call; My rock, do not be deaf to me, Lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Psalm 28:1 (New American Standard Bible)

Passover had arrived but this Sabbath had been like no other under the Law of Moses. The Lamb had been slain but His body was in the tomb. Forty-eight hours before His disciples had been walking and talking with Him. Now they were in hiding from the religious authorities and God’s voice was still. Heaven had gone silent.

I can’t count the times in my own life when I’ve strained to hear a little of God's voice to me even hoping to hear a whisper. There were times I heard nothing but silence and could only trust that He was still there and still in control. The disciples of Jesus had witnessed God in human form; Jesus the Anointed Christ of God. They had lived with Him, walked with Him, saw Him eat and sleep having been firsthand witnesses of His mighty power and miracles. Now he was taken from them and in His place was only a deafening silence. As they huddled themselves away they were completely unaware that within 24 hours their world would be rocked and wonderfully redirected forever. Salvation in Jehovah God had been offered to the whole world through the sacrifice of this one Lamb and history would be liberated through what these men and women were about to witness.

When heaven is silent trusting God is one of the hardest things to do. Knowing He is near and working even when He isn’t speaking sometimes takes greater faith than I feel I have. However I have found when things are quiet He’s usually the hardest at work. Even as Jesus was silent to those who knew Him on this quiet Saturday His plan for their lives was still in dynamic motion. The world was turning and nothing could stop tomorrow and the sun from rising on an empty tomb.


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