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Monday, May 12, 2008

The Big Burn of 1910

Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:28, 29 (New American Standard Bible)

One of the greatest fires in U.S. history blazed through areas of Washington State, Idaho and Montana at the beginning of the 20th century. Thousands of people were brought in to fight what would become known as the Big Burn of 1910. During two days in August hurricane force winds blew into northern Idaho and western Montana fanning the flames of lightening strikes into a hellish inferno. In the 48 hours of August 20 & 21 wind and flame consumed 3 million acres of trees and undergrowth. That's about 17 acres per second! By the time the fire was finally extinguished that fall an estimated 8 billion board feet of lumber had been destroyed, enough to fill a freight train 2400 miles long. Contrast that to the Yellowstone fire of 1988 where less than 1 million acres were burned from June to September.

As terribly destructive as fire can be I find it incredible that the U.S. Forestry Service will use a method called a “controlled burn.” This is setting and monitoring a fire to intentionally burn out areas choked with overgrowth. Those who support controlled burns say this method is effective in lessening deadwood and brush that could act as fuel to an uncontrolled blaze while also being effective in controlling weeds, stimulating new tree and plant growth, controlling tree disease and opening new areas for habitation. While the method seems like madness new growth is seen very quickly.

I have personally endured many “controlled burns” in my own life as God in His consuming fire has purged areas of my spirit that were so overgrown that it had become impossible for me to see the forest for the trees. When the fire swept through my life in the form of an awful trial it seemed more than I could bear. But a few months after the fire finished its purging work I was surprised and happy to see new growth appearing within my heart in the form of new clarity of vision, understanding and spiritual strength. At the time the method seemed too hot to bear but the new growth was far better than all the weeds and choking growth the fire took away. Sometimes it did seem like a forest fire similar to the great burn of 1910 had swept through my life. It hurt and all I saw was destruction, wreckage and smoking ruin. I have discovered that God in His consuming fire makes the great burn of 1910 look like a spark in a whirlwind yet His fire is personal and focused enough to know the areas of my life that will benefit from it. I stand in awe and reverence as I realize that His fire has always taken away what has stolen abundant life from me and He has brought up from the ashes new growth that heals and makes me stronger.


Devotions Today

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